Thursday, May 1, 2014

Embracing Natural Beauty

Way back in the day women of color were thought of low and ghetto due to wearing their hair in a natural state. The pulling, the tugging, the burns, the tears, the agony, all of these were the things we would go through as African American women when our mother use to straighten our hair with a hot comb or perm when we were little girls, just so we could have beautiful straight hair and be like every other girl on earth. For years women with kinky, curly, and/or coily hair were known to have hair that would never grow, but really we just weren’t treating our hair right due to damaging it for decades with chemicals and heat just to be common and look so called beautiful.               

From 2009-2011 was when going natural gradually started being a trend. After all the trend followers  went natural they suddenly realized that this was a big help to growing long healthy hair, so now being natural is turning epic. After a lot of women started going natural then came organic hair products. Organic hair products are products with all natural ingredients and no added chemicals that are harsh to your hair. Many women who are natural tend to say never use products with petrolatum or in other words never use hair grease; but of course as we all know never say never, because knowing how thick our hair can be it will soak up all the oils we would try to put in it, so of course we would need something to hold our hair down.

Now if you are planning to go natural for the first time I must warn you it will be pretty difficult the first few months maybe even a year. Mainly, because you are going to have figure a method and products that would work for you hair type. What would really help is looking on youtube and watching other women with your hair texture and type to get an idea on what to do. Now knowing that everyone is not a 100% the race they are no one really has the same hair type, so don’t depend on every video you watch. Don't be scared to where your kinks, embrace your natural beauty.

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